Group from 'S' Troop of 46RM Commando (1)
Photo courtesy of John Burns and his sister Marie whose father Arthur Burns is back row fourth from left. Arthur was in the Mortar Section.
De Panne Belgium 16th September 1944
Back row l-r (6 men): 1. n/k; 2. Kenneth Rogers; 3. n/k; 4. Arthur Burns; 5-6. n/k.
Front row l-r (7 men): 1-2. nk; 3. Sgt. Fred Sharman; 4. nk; 5. Sgt.R. Kirby; 6. n/k; 7. John Muir.
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Photo update
Names updated (from KT)
Posted by Pete Rogers (Admin) on Wed 10 Jun 2020 07:41:16 EDT
Photo updated
Location ident with another photo which gave date and location (even with the same little girl as in this one)
Posted by Pete Rogers (Admin) on Wed 03 Dec 2014 15:26:39 EST