Dougie Roderick (No 3 Cdo) and his daughter Sylvie Townshend
Date: 20/01/2016
Views: 14282
Owner: Pete Rogers (Admin)
Donald Martin and Dennis Cooper
Veterans of No.4 Commando. Photo courtesy of Donald's nephew, John Martin, who sent this photo in shortly after Dennis died. John stated the following " I was deeply saddened by the news of Dennis's death. He was a lovely man. I have spent so many happy times with him at reunions in France and Holland. When my uncle, who served with Dennis at Walcheren, died ten years ago Dennis made extraordinary efforts to fill the gap. We corresponded regularly over the subsequent years. His letters were always upbeat and amusing, and he had a very pronounced view on life today! He was also immensely generous with gifts, particularly books. I have known him to order multiple copies of a book that had appealed to him, simply to send to his friends. It would be right to say that Dennis, after his family, lived for his former Commando colleagues. The words with which he always used to end his letters were "keep smiling" and I am sure that this is what he is telling them now. As a postscript, I attach a photograph of my late uncle (left) and Dennis taken in Normandy some twenty years ago"