Photo from the collection of Tom Overbury (4 Cdo)(centre row) courtesy of his daughter Mrs Marianne Ballantyne.
The names were provided with this photo as was this title "Lt. Veasy's Patrol at Boulogne April 1942 (4 Commando)"
Viewed from left to right
Back Row: 1. Furlow; 2. Ennis; 3. Walters.
Centre Row: 1. Middleton; 2. Thomas Edwin 'Teo' Overton; 3. Cook; 4. Fearless; 5. Jackson; 6. Larment**.
Front Row: 1. Sgt Benn; 2. Lt. Veasy*; 3. Wallace ; 4. Rose (medical orderly)
* Identical with Lt /Capt. Arthur Francis Sherrard Veasley who served in both 3 and 4 Cdos. ** Henry Frederick Larment also served in No.3 Commando.
Phil Eyden advises the location as the Napoleonic Drop Redoubt fort a mile or so away from Dover Castle on the hill on the opposite side of the valley.