This is CSM Jim Kelly. He was my CSM at Merseyside (Morpeth dock) RMFVR, changed during my service (1963 - 1968) to RMR. He was the nicest man you could meet and yet a very tough Commando. I was 18 years old, he was "old" (40!) I remember thinking how could this old guy possibly keep up with us on our 6 milers - he, of course, ran us into the ground (also drank us under the table). He was part of the D Day invasion and, amongst other awards, was awarded the Croix de Guerre for his actions. He and Sgt. Jerry Kelly (not related), would do a great version of "the brothers Malone". He taught me much and I still think of him very often. What a great guy! According to this site, he passed just a few years ago. RIP CSM.
Posted by Terry Fitzsimmons on Sat 12 Jun 2021 11:13:33 EDT
There are an enormous variety of berets badges at these Re-Unions which represent all the many Regiments, Corps and Branches of HM Armed Forces who have traditionally formed the Commandos.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Thu 01 Oct 2020 06:29:08 EDT
The Standard borne by this Polish Special Forces Trooper interestingly bears the Combined Operation emblem or an Eagle, Thompson Sub Machine Gun and the Kedging Anchor so they retain the Wartime connection with Pride.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Thu 01 Oct 2020 05:41:43 EDT
The Trooper on the right in the photo is Polish.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Thu 01 Oct 2020 05:38:59 EDT
Steve Unwin is a former Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy and wears the Dolphins Badge of the Submarine Service above his Medals . Medals on the right breast are those of a family member worn in their honour.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Thu 01 Oct 2020 05:36:34 EDT
CO and men of 43 Commando RM in front of the Commando Memorial at
Spear Bridge.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Wed 30 Sep 2020 14:18:21 EDT
The Royal Navy Rating in the photo is a Naval Airman (Photgrapher) who is at the Service taking Official photographs. The Specialist Qualification on
the right arm also indicates that he is Class 2 (two stars) and the letter ‘P.’
his Job.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Wed 30 Sep 2020 13:35:29 EDT
The Commando Troopers grouped behind the CVA Standard Bearer are drawn from the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps. In their Green Berets they wear the RNLC Cap Badge which is a Naval ‘fouled’ Anchor capped by the Dutch Royal Crown and angled. They will have trained at a French
Commando Centre to Special Forces level and are quite distinct from the Dutch Commando Trooepen.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Mon 28 Sep 2020 13:05:12 EDT
The Polish Soldier is wearing a white metal Beret Badge with a black patch below the Polish Eagle, that is Special Forces.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Mon 28 Sep 2020 09:21:27 EDT
Trooper Davies is speaking to a Polish Soldier evidenced by the red and white ‘flash’ who is wearing a Green Beret and the patch on left sleeve below Country colours appears to be Polish Special Forces.
Posted by PrichardDavid R L on Mon 28 Sep 2020 09:08:56 EDT